Home : Shri Balaji Sansthan
SRI BALAJI MANDIR ::: The temple of Balaji is a considerably old temple in the town and was constructed by Bhavani Kalu who rose to be the Diwan of Sabji Bhosle and Janoji Bhosle. He constructed the temple in 1779 AD when he was the subhedar. At the thana of Karanja. The shrine is much revered. The images in the temple of Vyankateshwar Balaji are said to have been buried during Aurangzeb`s reign to save them from destruction. All traces were lost, but in about 1760, a horseman happened casually to turn up a little earth with his stick and perceived a finger of an image. Image of Bramha, Vishnu, Mahadeva, Parvati Devi, Ganpati and Naga were taken out at that time. Bhavani Kalu who had been patwari of the village, Khadi Dhamani, in Mangal tahsil but had become the Diwan ( or according to some accounts a gen fal) of the Bhosle Rajas, was at Basim. He set up the present temple, a fine building standing in a large paved quadrangle with a well built varandah for pilgrims to stay, a Bhandara for Bramhans to take food and various offices. The work took 12 years but was finished according to an inscription on a pillar in front 1700 Shaka A.D. 1776, the Dev Talav or Balaji Talav, a large square tank with stone built sides, strongly and handsomely finished and with a jalakridasthan, place for swimming, in the middle was made at the time.
The chief image is of black stone and sparkles with ornaments, a fine view of the town is to be obtained from the top of the temple gateway, through the staircase is rather abrupt. A dome plated with gold has recently been constructed over the inner chamber of the temple. According to the old Gazatteer 'Larffe Jagirs and inams' were given for the support of the temple, the present revenue being Rs. 11,000/- from those sources and Rs. 3,000.00 from "Kangi" offering . A big Fair is held in honor of Balaji in Ashvina (September-October). About 12,000 to 15, 000 people assemble at the time of the fair.
How to Reach Washim ?
DEO TALAV, WASHIM ( देव तलाव )